Christmas Salvation

Christmas Salvation

As you celebrate Christmas this year, stop in the midst of all the festivities to remember that Christmas is about the Saviour Who came to give you eternal life.  Do you believe the Truth of Jesus Christ?  The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not one truth among many, but...
Christmas Grace – Poem

Christmas Grace – Poem

The Lord gave me this poem around Christmas a few years ago. I have thought of it often, but have never shared it until today. I pray that it brings joy to your heart and praise to God. Christmas Grace O the chasm That grace did span when our great God became a man!...
I Thank Thee

I Thank Thee

O Thou whose bounty fills my cup, With every blessing meet! I give Thee thanks for every drop— The bitter and the sweet. I praise Thee for the desert road, And for the riverside; For all Thy goodness hath bestowed, And all Thy grace denied. I thank Thee for both smile...
Simple Tips for a Spectacular Marriage

Simple Tips for a Spectacular Marriage

One privilege of pastoring is performing weddings.  I love being on the platform so close to the action as God unites  a man and woman for life.  I get to feel the nervousness of the groom as he awaits his bride.  I get to hear him catch his breath as he sees her for...
5 Ways to Put God First

5 Ways to Put God First

You have something that takes priority in your life. We all do. It changes our schedules, captures our passions and causes sacrifices. We defend it. We fight for it. We claim it. What comes first in your life?  For the Christian, God should come first. He should...