If you’re like most of my readers, you’re already a committed Christian who wants to please the Lord. You’re committed to making big contributions for God in this life — and seeing big results. But you’re not just looking for one-dimensional success. You also want to thrive in the other domains of life:
- Your relationships with family and friends
- Your health
- Your spiritual and intellectual growth
- Your hobbies, passions, and interests
- Your legacy in the lives of the people around you
You’re after eternal, multidimensional success. And that really matters. Winning in all of life’s domains improves the lives of everyone around you. Your team enjoys a more joyful, fulfilled leader. Your family rests assured that they’re No. 1 in your life. Plus you have the energy, creativity, and stamina you need to be your best at work and at home.
But there is something in the way, isn’t there?
You want to live this vision of your life, but it feels like there’s no time for it. You are spread thin trying to care for everyone who needs your attention and everything that needs done.
The sense that you’re shortchanging one priority to serve another never ends. You feel like a juggler with fifteen balls in the air and, too often, important ones—like your health, your family, your ministry, or your personal development—get dropped. Sound familiar?
Can I help you?
I help overwhelmed committed Christians like you to reach your potential, fulfill God’s will, and change your world. My mission is to give you the clarity, courage, and tools you need to stop all the frenzy and start living in God’s power.
As a busy pastor, author, entrepreneur, and caregiver, I have faced the reality that there’s always more to do than there is time. But I also realized the answer isn’t simply to get more done. The answer is to get the right things done.
God has allowed me to have a unique mix of life, ministry, and business experiences. Because of these, I can provide specialized support to ministry leaders, Christian businessmen, and committed believers. Although my first priorities are my family and the wonderful congregation I pastor, God has given me a burden to reach beyond them and help people just like you.
I would never want to replace the other mentors God has placed in your life such as pastors, parents, and counselors. But I would like to support you along with them as you follow God. If your vision is big enough, you will have to reach outside of your friends and acquaintances for education and inspiration. That’s where I can help!
I enjoy helping people reach their potential by confronting the obstacles in their paths and providing insight to victory. Would you allow me to help you on your journey?
I love working with like-minded people who are passionate about bringing God glory and making an eternal difference.
Since 1996 God has allowed me to encourage thousands of people through preaching and personal ministry. I am especially happy when I can help someone be changed forever through salvation in Jesus Christ and when I can help people break through to the next level of blessing in life.
Through courses, products, preaching, and this blog —we’re creating a spiritual revolution. Increasingly, we see Christian leaders trade burnout for balance and discouragement for accomplishment. We hope you’ll join us.
Now it’s your turn.
Every resource on this site was created with you in mind. Every
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Yes, you really can reach your potential, fulfill God’s will, and change your world. All it takes is the intention and a spiritual mentor to guide you. If you’ll provide the first, I’ll provide the second.
Click Here to Get started.

I grew up in a small town Southern Indiana. I was saved at the age of 16 through the bus ministry of Blessed Hope Baptist Church in Jasonville, IN. God called me to preach when I was 17. After High School graduation, I prepared to serve the Lord at Hyles-Anderson College.
I am currently the Pastor of Curtis Corner Baptist Church in Wakefield, RI. I was called by a 100% vote to pastor CCBC in May of 2004. The church has become a steadfast example of Biblical ministry in New England.
Also, I am the founder of the Save New England Church Planting Ministry, editor of the Save New England Quarterly Magazine, and the creator of Add To Your Faith Publications.
I am married to Sarah (Nesbitt) Chapman. She is my soul mate, completer and love of my life. Sarah grew up in a Christian home and was saved at the age of 5. Her family moved to Maine when she was 9 and she lived there until she went to Bible college.
Sarah & I met at Hyles-Anderson College and were married August 18, 2000. God has blessed us with 3 children: Paul, Stacey, and Katelynn. They are a gift from God.
My wife, Sarah, has had a unique and devastating blend of autoimmune disorders since 2008 that keep her in constant severe pain. She has been called to the furnace of affliction. God’s grace has been real and powerful during these years. He has taught us many things about Himself and life that can only be learned through suffering. Please add her to your prayer list. We are sustained by God’s grace daily. He is good!
I am passionate about teaching the Bible and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. Only through faith in Christ can one experience abundant life on Earth and eternal life in Heaven.
It is my desire to help you accomplish God’s plan for your life.