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Increase Your Influence
As a child of God, you are ordained to be a shining light in this dark world. You are called to be the salt of the Earth flavoring and preserving it with the Truth. You are commissioned to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God gave you influence. Learn how to increase it for His glory and make a bigger impact for eternity.

Fulfill God's Will
God has a plan for your life. You are here for a reason. God placed you in your country, in your community, and in your family to fulfill His will. Stop allowing doubt and fear to hinder you. Learn how to step into your destiny, become the person God created you to be, and fulfill His will for your life.

Change Your World
You can change the world. Do you believe that? You must! The power is not in you but in your God. Changing the world starts at home. Allow God to transform you. As your influence grows and you fulfill God’s will, your power to make a difference multiplies. You change THE world by changing YOUR world. Let’s get started!
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3 Ministry Mistakes You Must Avoid
If the enemy corrupts churches and deceives pastors, the work of God will suffer. Avoid these ministry mistakes to win many souls to Christ and disciple them for God’s glory. The ministry is difficult. It requires wisdom, courage, and discernment far above the average human capacity. It is impossible
If The Foundations Be Destroyed, What Can The Righteous Do? – Psalm11:3
In these chaotic times of cultural decay and spiritual apostasy, many believers ask the age-old question, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” A foundation is the most important part of a building. Jesus taught the parable of the foolish man that built his house upon
The Anatomy of Spiritual Compromise
Compromise is a spiritual plague sweeping across Christendom. Learn how to recognize spiritual compromise so you can prevent it from destroying you and your church. Every generation must fight its own battles over compromise. If we are to successfully steward the Truth and pass it on to the next
The Beauty of Salvation (with Discounted Book Offer)
Salvation is beautiful. Although we can opine about the theological perfection of the doctrines of salvation, we must never forget the beauty of salvation. I was born again at a youth revival on a Saturday evening. It was the second night of a two-day youth revival at the Blessed
How To Reclaim A Missionary Spirit For Christ
Modern Christians are soft. Do you want to make a difference for Christ? It will require a return to the pioneer Christian spirit of days gone by. Learn how to reclaim a missionary spirit for Christ. Jesus Christ, our Lord, left His people with an audacious goal. Preach the
Resurrection Victory – 4 Victories Jesus Christ Won For You
The resurrection of Jesus Christ was accomplished by the same power available to you today. Learn how Christ won resurrection victory over four significant foes. Resurrection – to come alive again after death. Imagine the significance of that power! Jesus Christ died on the Cross to pay for our
How To Pray Faithfully – Build An Effective Prayer Life
As we progress in our Christian life, we must build the character to pray faithfully. Learn how to pray to God consistently by building an effective prayer life in this article. Most Christians don’t have a stable prayer life. A study conducted years ago found that the average Christian
Amazing Facts About The Bible (God’s Word)
The Holy Bible is a Book of miracles, but also it is a miracle book. There is no doubt that the Bible is different than other books. Discover amazing facts about the Bible – God’s supernatural Book! Psalm 119:89 “LAMED. For ever, O Lord, Thy word is settled in
Preaching Against Sin (Why We Must Never Quit)
Most churches don’t preach against sin anymore. Many Christians reject preaching against iniquity. Learn why we must keep preaching against sin and how to do it. Isaiah 58:1 “Cry aloud, spare not, Lift up thy voice like a trumpet, And shew my people their transgression, And the house of
Heart Test For Personal Revival
Wide-spread revival begins in the heart of a single Christian. Is your heart ready for revival? Take this heart test to find out. God will only save our country when American Christians follow His plan for the salvation of a nation! 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are