2 Quick Encouragements from Chicago

2 Quick Encouragements from Chicago

I visited Chicago with my son a few days ago. It has been awhile since I have been back to the Windy City. I spent 7 years ministering in Jesus’ Name in different parts of Chicago. I learned a lot about myself and the ministry on those long weekends. The Lord reminded...
Don’t Be a Pharisee!

Don’t Be a Pharisee!

Our Lord Jesus gave his most fiery and emphatic sermon to the Pharisees in Matthew chapter 23.  As I have read that portion of Scripture many times, I have often been glad that I was not in the crowd on the receiving end of that scathing rebuke from the Messiah.  He...
Praying for Deliverance

Praying for Deliverance

The righteous cry. The Lord hears. God states it as fact because it is a fact. The Lord hears your prayers! His boundless compassion is moved at your voice. His Father’s heart loves to deliver His children. Did you pray for deliverance today? “The righteous cry, and...

Afraid to Die?

Death is difficult for people to face for themselves and for loved ones.  Thankfully, Christians face death with a much different attitude than unbelievers.  Christians see death as a doorway to Heaven. Although we do not like the process of death, we do not fear...

Miss Me, But Let Me Go! Poem

This is a great poem for funerals and people struggling with the loss of a loved one.  Thank God that we know loved ones that believe in Jesus Christ are with the Lord in Heaven.  No more pain.  No more problems.  They are truly in a better place!  Revelation 21:3-4...
5 Life Lessons Learned From Mom

5 Life Lessons Learned From Mom

Mother’s Day is an opportunity to reflect on the love that our Moms have shown to us and the lessons they have taught us. Everyone is an expert on childrearing until they have their own children. Share on X Parenting is a daunting task.  Our parents did the best...
The Mother of Your Children

The Mother of Your Children

Mother’s day is a wonderful time to show your love and appreciation to the mother of your children.  I am so thankful for, Sarah, my beautiful wife and the mother of my 3 children. Bringing children into this world is a huge responsibility.  God is using your...