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5 Ways to Put God First

5 Ways to Put God First

You have something that takes priority in your life. We all do. It changes our schedules, captures our passions and causes sacrifices. We defend it. We fight for it. We claim it. What comes first in your life?  For the Christian, God should come first. He should...

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Psalm 102 – A Prayer of the Afflicted

Psalm 102 – A Prayer of the Afflicted

Affliction is defined as “The cause of continued pain of body or mind, as sickness, losses, calamity, adversity, persecution” in Webster’s 1828 dictionary. There is a big difference between the effects of short-term trials and long-term afflictions. Psalm 102 will...

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Don’t Be a Pharisee!

Don’t Be a Pharisee!

Our Lord Jesus gave his most fiery and emphatic sermon to the Pharisees in Matthew chapter 23.  As I have read that portion of Scripture many times, I have often been glad that I was not in the crowd on the receiving end of that scathing rebuke from the Messiah.  He...

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3 Ways to Defeat the Devil Today

3 Ways to Defeat the Devil Today

What if there was a guaranteed way to defeat the devil today?  The Bible tells us how!  You can use these methods today to experience victory in your life. “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their...

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Praying for Deliverance

Praying for Deliverance

The righteous cry. The Lord hears. God states it as fact because it is a fact. The Lord hears your prayers! His boundless compassion is moved at your voice. His Father’s heart loves to deliver His children. Did you pray for deliverance today? “The righteous cry, and...

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12 Tips to Conquer Gossip and False Accusations

12 Tips to Conquer Gossip and False Accusations

Gossip and false accusations are powerful weapons of Satan.  Use these simple tips to conquer them in your life. Innocent Until Proven Guilty.  This is one of the foundational principles of law.  An accused person is innocent until proven guilty.  This means the...

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Afraid to Die?

Death is difficult for people to face for themselves and for loved ones.  Thankfully, Christians face death with a much different attitude than unbelievers.  Christians see death as a doorway to Heaven. Although we do not like the process of death, we do not fear...

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Miss Me, But Let Me Go! Poem

This is a great poem for funerals and people struggling with the loss of a loved one.  Thank God that we know loved ones that believe in Jesus Christ are with the Lord in Heaven.  No more pain.  No more problems.  They are truly in a better place!  Revelation 21:3-4...

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