Victory Over Regret

Victory Over Regret

Regret is a powerful emotion that overwhelms and paralyzes those who give it a home. Follow these four Bible steps to banish it from your life. 1 Timothy 1:12–17  “And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into...
Beat The Alarm Clock

Beat The Alarm Clock

Stop dreading your alarm clock. Get up early each day to walk with God and to get ahead of your task list. Here’s How… Waking up early will give you quiet time in the morning to prepare your heart, mind, and body for the day. Awake early to walk with God...
3 Reasons I’m Glad I’m a Baptist

3 Reasons I’m Glad I’m a Baptist

You become a Christian by believing in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. You become a Baptist by believing the rest of Bible. Here are three reasons I’m glad to be a Baptist. 1. Baptists were never part of the Roman Catholic church....
3 Bible Reasons to Live a Separated Life

3 Bible Reasons to Live a Separated Life

Some cry foul or “legalism” at the very mention of living a life separated from sin.  Does God have an opinion?  Here are 3 Bible reasons that every Christian should strive to live a holy life. Convictions.  Standards.  Sanctification.  Holy Living.  The concept goes...