Jesus Christ The King of Kings

Jesus Christ The King of Kings

Jesus came the first time as the suffering Lamb.  He is coming again as the conquering Lion.  Be not deceived – Jesus Christ is the KING of Kings! Some people forget that Jesus Christ is the KING.  They know that He came the first time to suffer and die.  They...
4 Undeniable Reasons to Spread the Gospel

4 Undeniable Reasons to Spread the Gospel

What motivates people to go soulwinning at home and give to missions around the world?  Here are 4 Undeniable Reasons to Spread the Gospel. Obedience God commanded us to preach the Gospel to every creature.  We must obey.  God is the Master.  We are the servants.  God...
3 Bible Reasons to Live a Separated Life

3 Bible Reasons to Live a Separated Life

Some cry foul or “legalism” at the very mention of living a life separated from sin.  Does God have an opinion?  Here are 3 Bible reasons that every Christian should strive to live a holy life. Convictions.  Standards.  Sanctification.  Holy Living.  The concept goes...
Best Voice Effects for Sermons and Podcasts

Best Voice Effects for Sermons and Podcasts

Recorded sermons and podcasts are a powerful way to spread God’s Word.  Use these effect settings for a clear and enjoyable listening experience. Have you ever tried to listen to a recorded sermon and found that its poor quality distracted you from the message?...
Understanding God’s Amazing Call to Ministry

Understanding God’s Amazing Call to Ministry

God calls men to do His work.  When God calls a man to the ministry, He separates him from his peers calling him to a special task.  Learn more about this holy calling. Acts 13:1–4   “Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as...