Order vs. Chaos. The battle between these two wages every day all around you. Things left to themselves fall into chaos. Order is obtained by design and effort. Here are seven amazing tips that will help you set your life in order.
God brought order out of chaos during the creation of our planet. Genesis 1:1-2 God loves order. A quick glance at nature shows an orderly pattern. This order becomes more apparent the deeper you study creation. From the endless expanse of space to the smallest atom, God’s bias for order is clearly seen. He desires to help us create order out of our chaotic lives.
1 Corinthians 14:40 Let all things be done decently and in order.
One of the responsibilities of a pastor is to set the church in order and to keep it organized according to God’s teaching in the Bible.
Titus 1:5 For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee:
Likewise, it is your responsibility to set in order your personal life and your areas of authority.
[shareable]Order vs. Chaos. The battle between these two wages every day all around us. Order is obtained by design and effort.[/shareable]
The world moves quickly around us. It demands our time and attention with no consideration for God’s commands or our highest priorities.
Either you will live life or life will live you. You must be the designer of your life. You must decide what is truly important and build your life in an orderly way to facilitate the accomplishment of those goals and the fulfillment of those relationships.
Set your possessions in order – Organization.
Organized possessions are a blessing. Disorganized possessions cause mental turmoil. Many hours are lost looking for misplaced items. Besides, Humans function better in a clean and orderly environment. Take the time to organize your stuff.
Follow these simple rules for starters:
- Everything worth keeping should have allocated space. If it doesn’t have a particular place, it’s not worth keeping.
- Take 2 minutes to put things where they go. It will save you time later going through piles.
- If you touch the same thing twice while organizing, find it a home or throw it away.
- Don’t be afraid to get rid of things. Many people fill up their houses and then pay extra money to put things in storage they never use. Sell it. Give it to someone that needs it. Throw it away if it’s not worth selling or giving.
- Allocate a space for memories and sentimental things. Don’t expand it. Use the space carefully. Be honest. Very few things are worth keeping for a lifetime.
- Set blocks of time to get organized. The house, garage, office, etc. will take some time to get under control. Spend the time and make the tough decisions. You will enjoy life and your possessions more when they are in order.
[shareable]Procedures give you a recipe for repeated tasks. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Find what works and repeat![/shareable]
Set your time in order – Schedule.
Time is your most precious asset. Far more valuable than money or possessions. Yet, many people never take the time to think through their life and budget their time. If it’s important, put it on your schedule. If it’s not on your schedule, it’s not important. A good calendar system is a must.
Set your money in order – Budget.
Money is hard to come by. You work hard for your money by trading your time for a set amount per hour. Money is time. Time is life. Don’t waste either.
All day long you are bombarded with opportunities to part with your money. Each sign you pass along the road calls for you to stop and trade money for something. Each commercial you see works to convince you to part with your money. Be wise.
Write down a budget according to your priorities and goals. Don’t forget 10% belongs to the Lord. Take care of your family. Be generous with those in need. Save some for a rainy day. You don’t have enough money to spend it carelessly.
Set your life in order – Priorities.
What will you spend your time and money on? Set your priorities to guide your expense of resources. Your family, marriage, future, ministry and more are important. Priorities keep important areas of your life from being crowded out by less important areas. Learn to say “No” to yourself and others in order to protect your priorities.
[shareable]Learn to say “No” to yourself and others in order to protect your priorities.[/shareable]
Set your effort in order – Goals.
Goals give you measurable and attainable steps along the path of life. Write down the major goals you want to accomplish the next week, month, year, five years. Break these big goals down into bite-sized pieces and get busy. You can accomplish more than you dare dream with God’s help and focused effort. Choose a task management tool that helps you accomplish the next actions toward your goals.
Set your accomplishments in order – Procedures.
Procedures give you a recipe for repeated tasks. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Find what works and repeat!
Choose a task or project. Decide the best way to accomplish it. Write down the directions. Do it that way every time. Make changes as necessary.
The value of procedures multiplies when the need for training or delegation arises. In the family, parents can teach their children the procedures for cleaning their rooms, washing the dishes, completing homework, etc. In organizations, set standard operating procedures and monitor. Billions of dollars a year are spent at fast food restaurants where the procedures allow minimally skilled workers to repeat important tasks with consistent results. Procedures will work for you!
Set your house in order – Documents
No one wants to think about their own death. In fact, many fear what will happen if they were to die. If you are fearful of death, read this. Christians do not worry about their own souls at death. They know that Heaven is their home through faith in Christ. But they often fear what will happen to those they leave behind. What would happen to the house? Who would take care of the children? What medical decisions will be made if I am incapacitated? How will the bills get paid? Who will take care of my spouse?
[shareable]Stop worrying and start doing![/shareable]
These are all important questions. Did you know that you can decide many of these issues long before you need the answers? Take the time to set your house in order with the following documents:
- Last Will & Testament
- Revocable Living Trust
- Power of Attorney – Financial
- Power of Attorney – Health Care
- Living Will
- Life Insurance
- Medical Directives
Choose the documents you need. Put them on your action list. Get them done. You will have peace in knowing that your family is cared for in the event of your death. It’s easier than you think. You can finish some of these documents for free if you do the research online. Some of these documents can be completed at a reasonable cost with LegalZoom. Others may require an attorney and detailed guidance. Stop worrying and start doing!
Some things need to be set in order in every life? Where will you start?
Have a blessed day!
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