Afraid to Die?

Death is difficult for people to face for themselves and for loved ones.  Thankfully, Christians face death with a much different attitude than unbelievers.  Christians see death as a doorway to Heaven. Although we do not like the process of death, we do not fear...

Miss Me, But Let Me Go! Poem

This is a great poem for funerals and people struggling with the loss of a loved one.  Thank God that we know loved ones that believe in Jesus Christ are with the Lord in Heaven.  No more pain.  No more problems.  They are truly in a better place!  Revelation 21:3-4...

Poem – That First Sunday

I found a poem I wrote as a 19 year old as I was rearranging some files.  It is not world class, by any means, but shows the grateful heart of a young christian. That First SundayMany years ago, when I was but four,At our house in Midland came a knock on the door.My...