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That's What I Was Created To Do.You can take the next step by checking my availability. Just click on the button below.
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I quickly realized that the success of an event came down to the blessing of God and the quality of the speakers. If they hit it out of the park, we had a great event. If they didn’t, well … we had a not-so-great event.
Like you, I found myself spending hours in prayer and researching speakers, to make sure we had just the right fit. My hope is that this page will make it easy for you to get the information you need to make the best decision possible.
Thanks for stopping by. Thanks also for considering me. I am honored.
An Overview of this Page
This page provides an overview of what I have to offer, along with a taste of what you can expect.
What You Can Expect
I preach and teach to effect change. I’m not an entertainer. I’m a life-changer. We will laugh together, cry together, be convicted together, and be drawn closer to God together. But make no mistake – the goal is transformation.
Here’s what you can expect from me and my team:
- Prompt, professional replies to your phone calls and email messages.
- A personal phone consultation with me or a member of my team prior to your event, so we can better understand how I can best serve you and your audience.
- An announcement about your event on my blog and social media channels. (This assumes that your event is open to the public and you want additional visibility for it.)
- A professionally prepared, dynamically delivered, Spirit-filled presentation focused on achieving the outcomes you & God want with your audience.
- If appropriate, a custom resource page, exclusively created for your attendees. It will include the highlights of the information I used in the presentation, along with links to books, articles, and other resources I believe will be helpful.
- A quick follow-up communication after the event with someone on my team, to make sure I met your expectations. (I also want to know how you think I can improve.)
I Speak At A Wide Variety Of Events
I speak for Churches, conferences, camps, corporations, retreats, and non-profits.
Each event requires the appropriate approach. Conferences & Revivals require powerful and pointed preaching. In contrast, special events like banquets and ceremonies usually call for a refined manner. Camps and retreats allow for more informal and personal interaction with listeners. Teaching services and workshops permit time for step-by-step instruction of how and why. I strive to follow God’s leading in the material, method, and manner for each event.
While my primary goal is to bring glory to God and honor Him, I also work to encourage and expand the influence of the pastor, or event coordinator. If the leader is uplifted and encouraged, the entire organization benefits.
I Preach & Teach At Spiritual Events
- Church Services
- Conferences
- Revivals
- Teaching & Workshops
- Teen Camps
- Retreats
- Special Events
- Bible Colleges
- Christian Schools
I Teach At Business Events
- Conference Keynote
- Break-out Sessions
- Workshops
- Corporate Training
- Staff Training
My Most Requested Topics
I preach and teach the Bible on all topics related to life and godliness. I will customize my message or presentation to meet your organization’s specific needs as God leads. My goal is to please the Lord and facilitate the outcome you want to create.
My most requested SPIRITUAL topics include the following:
- Full Surrender to God
- Biblical Ministry
- Servant Leadership
- Soul Winning
- Church Planting
- World Missions
- The Spirit-filled Life
- Faithfulness Through Suffering
- Holiness & Separation
- Marriage & Family
- Stewardship
- Productivity
- Christian Growth
- Church Organization
- Biblical Philosophy of Ministry
- Ministry Training
- and much more…
My most requested BUSINESS topics include the following:
- Biblical Philosophy of Work & Business
- Increasing Your Influence
- Practical Marketing
- Powerful Branding
- Customer Service That Creates True Fans
- Healthy Corporate Culture
- How To Get God to Invest In Your Business
- Successful Bi-Vocational Ministry
- How to Balance a Demanding Job With An Abundant Life
- I can address any business need.
There are three options for remuneration:
No Cost
I preach and teach for free to new church plants and struggling churches in New England through our Save New England Ministry. We will travel, teach and preach at no cost. For approved churches, we will even pay to put on a first-class conference, revival, or soul winning training. If you are interested in more information or think you qualify, contact us through the website at
Love Offering
When I preach for churches and ministries, there is no set fee. If the Lord leads me to accept the invitation, I trust Him to supply my needs. I do not preach to Christian ministries for the money, but for the glory of God.
It is customary for the inviting church or ministry to reimburse for a guest preacher for travel, provide a place to stay, and give a love offering.
Negotiated Fee
When I speak for businesses and secular conferences, payment negotiations take place as we discuss the particular needs for your event. Usually, there is a set fee for these events negotiated at the time of acceptance.
The Next Step
Thanks again for considering me for your event. You can take the next step by checking my availability. Just click on the button below. We will get back with you right away.
Pics of Different Events
New Hampshire -
Indiana -
Connecticut -
Maine -
Men’s Retreat -
Interview -
Maine -
A Friend of Preachers -
Watching from the back. -
Rhode Island -
Florida -
New Hampshire -
Vermont -
Indiana -