So you want to be a good Christian steward?  Learning this simple truth will make it a lot easier!

I have posted several articles about the importance of stewardship in our lives.  Hopefully, by now you agree with the Biblical mandate to live as a good steward.

Desire doesn’t always equal discipline. Jesus taught us that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

How can we instill the principles of stewardship into our daily lives?

How do we overcome a lifetime of doing things our way and start consistently living like Jesus?

The answer may surprise you.


Everyone has them.  Most people don’t give much thought to them, yet they are the secret to stability.  Your habits are making your life better or worse every day.

If you can learn to leverage the power of habit, you will find the consistency necessary to be a faithful disciple of Christ.

What is a habit?


Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary says that a habit is “a settled tendency or usual manner of behavior; an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary.”

God made us with the ability to form habits.  We can learn to do something so well that we continue doing it without much thought.

Remember how hard it was to learn to tie your shoes?  If you don’t remember, try teaching a child how to do it.  It can be mind-boggling!  Yet, you tied your shoes today without much thought.  Habit.

Remember the hours of fretting and frustration it took to learn how to drive?  Now you can drive to work without even really remembering the journey.  How?  Habit.

Most of you are reading this without much thought of phonics, grammar, etc.  But it took a long time to learn how to read.  Thankfully, you have made it so much a part of you that it requires little thought.

Imagine how difficult life would be if we had to spend the same effort to continue an action as it took to learn it?

Habits are a gift from God!  If they are good habits.

Bad habits are the things that we do without thinking that hurt us and those around us.

Do you ignore the alarm clock?

Do you say whatever comes to your mind?

Do you raise your voice when frustrated?

Do you spew cuss words without thought when angry?

I had a family member that smoked cigarettes.  A lot.   As a young man, I marveled as he would robotically smoke one cigarette after another.  He would take it out of the package.  Light.  Smoke.  Repeat.

Can you name some of your bad habits?  If not, ask those that spend time with you.  They know!

Bad habits kill you slowly.  They suck the joy and potential from your life.  They are the chains that make you feel like a prisoner to your current life.

Bad habits are easy to create and hard to stop.  But with God’s help, you can.

Good habits improve your life.  They put success on autopilot.  They help you complete the most important tasks in your life while leaving you with mental and emotional energy to overcome daily trials.

If you can learn to leverage the power of habit, you will find the consistency necessary to be a faithful disciple of Christ. Share on X

Are habits spoken of in the Bible?

While the word “custom” used in the Bible frequently speaks of taxes, it can mean “habit” or “tradition.”

Our Lord had a habit of going to the synagogue.

Luke 4:16

And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.

The word “manner” has multiple definitions in the Bible.  One meaning is “custom or habitual practice.”

The Apostle Paul had a habit of going to synagogues to preach the Gospel.

Acts 17:1–2

Now when they had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where was a synagogue of the Jews:

And Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them, and three sabbath days reasoned with them out of the scriptures,

The word “manners” in the following verse means “moral habits.”

1 Corinthians 15:33

Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

Some people have a habit of skipping church.  The Bible commands us not to be like them but to attend church even more faithfully as we see the end approaching.

Hebrews 10:25

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do.”  This is the power of habit.  He continued, “Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

Choose to create healthy habits that improve your life!

Often, failure is a result of not doing what you know to do.  It is the lack of healthy habits that hurt you.

  • The bank is overdrawn because you didn’t balance the checkbook.
  • The marriage is on the rocks because you come home and ignore your spouse.
  • The kids are unattached because you got too busy to build a relationship with them.
  • You feel lousy and unproductive all day because you went to bed late and ate an unhealthy breakfast.

Good habits automate success.  Consider every area of your life.  Create habits in each area that will improve your life.

Here are a few Healthy Habits that you can instill in the 10 areas of life.

1. Spiritual

Talk to God each morning before your feet touch the floor.

Follow a Bible Reading Plan with a chart.

Pray before you start the day at the same time and/or place.

Use a Prayer list.

Attend church faithfully each service.

Join a weekly ministry.

Pass out a tract every day.

Witness to someone every day.

2. Financial

Return the Tithe to God by writing His check first.

Ask God about any offering as you do your bills.

Pray if there is anyone you should help.

Follow a budget.

Balance the checkbook with each deposit.

3. Marital

Say “Good Morning.”

Kiss and hug when you first meet and when leaving.

Always kiss goodnight.

Say I love you often.

Schedule a weekly date night.

Make loving eye contact when speaking.

Ask “What Can I Do To Help You?”

4. Parental

Give your children a good morning hug.

Look them in the eye and say “I love you.”

Ask how their day went.

Give chores.

Have a family night.

Eat together.

Talk during meals.

Kiss goodnight.

Good habits automate success.  Consider every area of your life.  Create habits in each area that will improve your life. Share on X

5. Social

Say hello.

Make eye contact.

Be friendly.

Look for people to talk to each day.

Get to church early.

6. Mental

Take a few minutes each morning and evening to clear your mind.

Read a book each day.

Be in the moment.

Meditate on Scripture.

Live by a schedule.

Keep a to-do list.

7. Physical

Go to bed on time.

Take appropriate vitamins and supplements.

Eat two healthy meals a day.

Choose a plan and set a time to exercise.

Set out exercise clothes and shoes.

Walk for 10 mins a day.

Desire doesn’t always equal discipline. Jesus taught us that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Use healthy habits to automate success. Share on X

8. Emotional

Get up on time.

Pray each morning.

Give thanks every day.

Appreciate the small things.

Interact with loved ones.

Ask for the mind of Christ.

9. Vocational

Get to work early.

Employ a “Start of Work” routine.

Set a Christian example at work.

Improve your job daily.

10. Avocational

Plan some time off each week.

Do something fun!

This list is not complete.  It is a primer to help you think of applicable items in your life.

Thoughtful character rituals cement good habits into your daily routine. Share on X

One of the best ways to cement good habits is to create routines or rituals. These rituals are a list of things that you do at a given time.  You can make one for each of the following times.  I’ll include a few items that you might put on your list.

A Morning Ritual.

  • Read the Bible
  • Pray
  • Exercise
  • Shower & Dress
  • Eat Breakfast
  • Check Social Media Briefly
  • Do Family Chores

A Start of Work Ritual

  • Pray
  • Check Voicemail
  • Empty Email
  • Review Schedule and To-Do List

An After Work Ritual

  • Empty Inbox
  • Check Voicemail
  • Review Next Day’s Schedule
  • Identify Big 3 Tasks For Tomorrow
  • Thank God For What Was Accomplished
  • Transition Mind & Heart To Family

A Bedtime Ritual

  • Look Over Schedule
  • Turn Off Electronics
  • Set Out Next Day’s Clothes (exercise & work)
  • Wash Face
  • Brush Teeth
  • Bible & Prayer
  • Share 3 Things You Are Thankful For With Spouse Or Family
  • Read A Chapter Of A Book

There are countless variations of these Healthy Stewardship Habits.  Create your own that fit your life and fulfill God’s plan for you.


If you can learn to leverage the power of habit, you will find the consistency necessary to be a faithful disciple of Christ.

Do an inventory of your habits.  Keep a journal for a week writing down your habits.  Ask family and close friends to describe some of your good and bad habits.  Take the information and make some changes.

Good habits improve your life.  They put success on autopilot.  They help you complete the most important tasks in your life while leaving you with mental and emotional energy to overcome daily trials.

Get started today!