The bus ministry is one of the greatest evangelistic tools of the last 50 years. Its benefits don’t stop there. Learn three good reasons for your church to have a bus ministry.
Mark 10:14–15
But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.
Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.
Jesus loves the little children. He wants them to come to Him.
Our Lord rebuked the disciples and taught them to allow the children access to Himself. In fact, He used a child as an example of salvation.
One soul would be worth a lifetime labor, yet we are privileged to win multitudes to Christ with the bus ministry! Share on XChildren show us the way of salvation. They exhibit two qualities necessary for salvation.
- humility
- faith
If you don’t come to Christ with child-like faith, you cannot be saved.
Every church should have an outreach plan to reach children for Christ.
We can all agree that the best way for children to come to church is for their parents to bring them.
Here’s a message to parents – DON’T SEND THE KIDS TO CHURCH. TAKE THEM.
However, the moral collapse of society has kept many adults out of church and their kids stay home with them. Adults have many excuses to stay home on Sundays. Here are a few common reasons:
- Work – Too many people prioritize money over the things of God. If they can make a few extra bucks, they will work instead of worship.
- Divorce – More children today are growing up in broken homes than those who have both parents present. Children are the casualties of this sad statistic.
- Poverty – Every community has low-income areas where impoverished people languish with no hope and no transportation to church.
- Unbelief – Atheism and agnosticism are on the rise. Satan has worked successfully to remove God from schools, colleges, and public institutions. Many people don’t know the truth of salvation.
- Sin & Rebellion – Many people who claim the name of Christ do not live for Him. They live for self and sin rather than make time for God. This includes church attendance.
How can we reach the children in our communities with all of these obstacles?
The best way to reach children over the last 50 years has been the BUS MINISTRY.
I love The bus ministry. I am a bus kid. My entire family was brought to Christ through the Bus Ministry of the Blessed Hope Baptist Church in Jasonville, IN, and its faithful bus workers.
Some don’t believe in the bus ministry. I understand why. The bus ministry is not for the faint of heart.
Some focus on the negatives of the bus ministry. It is expensive, has a high liability threshold, and it is a lot of work.
It is a complex ministry with a high investment of money and manpower. However, the eternal results of the bus ministry are well worth the cost.
The positive elements of the bus ministry are tremendous.
It fulfills the great commission by spreading the Gospel, bringing people to Jesus, provides candidates for baptism, and brings them to church regularly for discipleship.
The bus ministry invigorates the church program. Fun activities and special days keep the church calendar exciting.
It inspires the church members to give their best to Jesus and sacrifice their time and energy for others.
The bus ministry positively impacts the DNA of a church. The church understands that its mission is to reach the lost and any cost. Children roam the halls. Members pray for God’s power. Workers hit the streets on Saturday to reach new families and visit the regular riders. The congregation sacrifices for the cost of the ministry.
The bottom line is this…
- A poorly run bus ministry can drain a church of resources and stress out the members. It can create a church full of children with few adults to work in ministries and pay the bills.
- A well-run bus ministry assists the church in fulfilling the Great Commission while inspiring the church to be like Jesus.
In spite of its success, many churches have suspended the Bus Ministry or see no need to start one. Make no mistake, the Bus Ministry is expensive in money and time. It is a labor-intensive ministry that requires commitment. It is not for the lazy or faint of heart!
Yet, the bus ministry is a powerful ministry with an incredible return of investment.
Can you put a price on a soul?
One soul would be worth a lifetime labor, yet we are privileged to win multitudes to Christ with the bus ministry!

Here are 3 reasons that every church should consider running a Bus Ministry.
1. The Bus Ministry is a productive evangelism tool.
Luke 14:23
And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.
The bus ministry has been one of the greatest evangelism tools in history. Soul winners in every generation have gone into the highways and hedges to compel sinners to come to Jesus.
The introduction of mass transit not only changed the secular world but also provided a vehicle on which a few workers can bring many to Church at one time.
Bus ministry includes Saturday soul winning and visitation, as well as disciplined follow-up on converts and prospects.
If you are interested in seeing souls saved, the bus ministry is for you!
2. The Bus Ministry is a powerful discipleship tool.
John 8:31–32
Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
The bus ministry provides transportation for bus families to regularly Church services.
Discipleship begins with faithful attendance to Sunday School and Church.
I am for all forms of discipleship, but nothing can replace a solid Sunday school lesson by a loving teacher and powerful Bible preaching from the Pastor each week.
In addition, Bus workers model compassionate Christianity through faithful visitation, the sacrifice of time, spending of money, unconditional love, and words of encouragement. These powerful lessons have a lasting impact on Bus families.
Personally, I learned many practical Christian lessons by watching my bus captain and bus workers as a child over the years. I still benefit daily from their investment in my life through a godly example.
3. The Bus Ministry is a proven training tool.
Ephesians 4:11–12
And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
The bus ministry is an intensive ministry. It requires a large commitment of time and faithfulness.
One great by-product of this level of commitment is the experience gained by those who serve.
Faithful bus workers gain experience in the following areas of ministry.
- Visitation
- Soul winning
- Discipleship
- Counseling
- Song leading
- Activities
- Preaching
- Teaching
- Dealing with problems
- Managing children
- Working with adults
- Becoming a leader who finds solutions
- Dealing with stress
- And much more!
Bro. Hyles, one of my pastors, believed that being a bus captain was as close to being a pastor that a Bible college student could get without actually pastoring a church.
The bus ministry is on the job training for ministry.
Bus workers become amazing church members!
I believe in the bus ministry.
I wouldn’t be here without the bus ministry of Blessed Hope Baptist Church in Jasonville, IN. Pastor Robert Ross believed in the bus ministry. My bus captain, Bro. Bo Eikelman and his daughter Tina brought me to church and taught me in the Lord. The deacons of BHBC and members supported the bus ministry.
I’m glad they did.
Who in your town would come to church if they had a ride?
Who are you missing because you don’t have an organized way to reach them?
If you are committed to the Great Commission, the bus ministry is a powerful tool to help you fulfill it.
Here is a sermon that I preached at Curtis Corner Baptist Church on this subject. I pray it is a blessing.