The Greek word agape’ (ag-ah´­pay) describes God’s unconditional and sacrificial love that He has for us and expects us to show to one another.  What does agape’ love look like?

1 Corinthians 13:4–8   

“Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.”

The word agape’ is translated into the word “charity” in this chapter of the King James Bible.  This is the perfect English word to describe God’s selfless & unconditional love.  Learn why God’s love is the Greatest.

Sin is the enemy of love. God’s love conquers sin.

Agape’ love makes eternal salvation possible. Have you accepted God’s love?

John 13:34  

“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”

Our Lord not only gave us a command that we should love one another but also how to love one another.  The Greek word agape’ is used for God’s love toward us and for the love that we should display toward one another.

God's love is different than man's love. Here's how... Share on X

Are you exhibiting God’s agape’ love? Ask yourself the questions after each point to find out.

Here are the 16 characteristics of God’s love.  

1. Suffereth Long

Are you patient with others or are you quickly frustrated with them?

2. Is Kind

Are you kind or harsh in your actions and attitudes?  

3. Envieth Not

Do you take pleasure the blessings and accomplishments of others or are you jealous of them?

4. Vaunteth Not Itself

Do you notice and fulfill others needs or do you promote yourself and your needs above theirs?

5. Is Not Puffed Up

Do you feel the need to promote your supposed superiority or are you content to quietly live for others?  

6. Doth Not Behave Itself Unseemly

Are you morally and socially appropriate or do you make others uncomfortable?  

Christ commands us to love one another. But he is speaking of a much different love than the world exhibits. #GodsLove Share on X

7. Seeketh Not Her Own

Are you unselfish or do you use others to fulfill your needs?  

8. Is Not Easily Provoked

Do you delight in helping others or are you easily irritated and aggravated by their needs?  

9. Thinketh No Evil

Do you quickly forgive or do you take inventory of other people’s errors to use against them?  

10. Rejoiceth Not In Iniquity

Are you pleased when others sin?  

11. Rejoiceth In The Truth

Do you delight when others learn and follow the truth?  

12. Beareth All Things

Do you have a limit of what you will endure for others or do you trust God to supply the love and grace to endure patiently?  

13. Believeth All Things

Do you look for the good in people or expect the worst?  

14. Hopeth All Things

Do you expect good in others when they stray from God or do you give up on people?  

15. Endureth All Things

“There is no limit to what love will endure for the good of the one loved.”  

16. Never Faileth

“If you have ever truly loved someone, you will always love them.”    


Agape’ love does not come from good intentions.  It is a by-product of salvation and Spirit-fullness.  

Ask God daily to fill you with His love so you can love others in your life like He would if He walked in your shoes.  

How can you apply these principles to your situation?

Which aspect of God’s love is most difficult for you to master?

Leave a comment below.

P.S. Want to learn more about agape’ love? Follow the links in this article for more info. For example, Can you recognize true love? Learn the Five Proofs of Love here.