The Believer’s most powerful ally is the Holy Spirit Who dwells within.  Do you know what He is trying to accomplish in your life? Do you know what He wants to do to help you?  Are you allowing Him to do His job?

Before our Lord Jesus Christ returned to Heaven, He comforted the Disciples with the revelation that He would leave them the Holy Spirit as their Helper and Comforter.

Wow!  God placed a Member of the Trinity within His children!  He is in you right now.  He will never leave you nor forsake you.  He wants to supercharge your life.  There is divine power, wisdom, insight, and more available to you through the Holy Ghost!  Yet, most Christians are unaware of His ministry.

The Holy Spirit is the least understood Member of the Godhead, yet He is the One we interact with most intimately in this life.  I encourage you to begin the journey of getting to know Him and experiencing all He has to offer.

What is He trying to do in your life today?  How can He help you?  Are you filled with Him?  What limits His work in your life?

Download the free study guide below.  It includes these three verse lists for you to study:

  1. 34 Activities of the Holy Spirit in the Life of the Believer
  2. 3 Simply Ways to Yield to the Holy Spirit
  3. 5 Sins Against the Holy Spirit

Study these verses by:

  1. Learning the Context
  2. Defining critical words
  3. Finding the original intent
  4. Considering the practical applications to your life.

It is impossible to become like Christ and accomplish all God has for you unless the Holy Spirit is powerfully working in your life.  Decide today that you will spend the rest of your earthly life building a relationship with the Holy Spirit.

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